Password Cracking 101








You may wonder what a hash is and how adversaries exploit hashes to crack passwords. Learn how they do it and then practice doing it yourself in this Password Cracking 101 course, which is perfect for both Red Teamers who are learning privilege escalation and Blue Teamers who are learning how to audit password strength.

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Course Description

One of the most common techniques for an attack to perform privilege escalation or gain initial access to an account is password cracking. If you are an offensive or defensive team member, it is essential to understand how to crack passwords. Offensive team members benefit from this knowledge because it teaches them a new technique for privilege escalation and gaining a foothold. Defensive team members benefit from this knowledge because it teaches them how to audit their passwords for weakness properly.

Target Audience: The target audience for this course is red team members learning techniques for privilege escalation and blue team members who want to learn how to audit their password strength.

Prerequisites: Linux command line

Course Goals: By the end of this course, students should be able to:

Target Audience:

Course Goals: By the end of this course, students should be able to:

Understand password cracking concepts

Understand hashing concepts

Module 1: Introduction

Module 2: Password Cracking


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    Password Cracking 101
    Password Cracking 101
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