Prevention, identification and management of infections in health workers in the context of COVID-19








All healthcare facilities should establish or strengthen and implement IPC programmes and Occupational Health and Safety programmes to ensure health worker safety and prevent health worker infections while in the work environment. This course will highlight the epidemiology and risk factors associated with health worker infections with SARS-CoV-2, review measures that can be put in place to reduce risks, support identification of infection in health workers and review strategies for managing health workers to safely return to work post infection.

Photo credits: WHO / L. Mackenzie

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Course contents

Module 1: Understanding SARS-CoV-2 infection in health workers:
This module provides an overview of the epidemiology and risk factors associated with SARS-CoV-2 infections in health workers.

Module 2: Preventing SARS-CoV-2 infections in health workers:
This module provides an overview of the importance of infection prevention and control and occupational health programmes in preventing transmission in the workplace. By the end of the module, you should be able to describe strategies for screening for COVID-19 symptoms and testing of health workers are also discussed.

Module 3: Managing SARS-CoV-2 infections in health workers:
In this module, the importance of having a blame-free confidential process for health workers to report exposures and symptoms is discussed. By the end of this final module, you should be able to describe strategies to implement for reporting and assessment of health worker exposures and list actions required to facilitate safe return to work for health workers who were exposed to or infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus.


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    Prevention, identification and management of infections in health workers in the context of COVID-19
    Prevention, identification and management of infections in health workers in the context of COVID-19
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