Reading evidence
Learn how to read actively and with purpose in this free course on reading evidence. Understand the various methods for presenting qualitative and quantitative evidence, and recognize the ways in which evidence can be collected and presented. Enhance your understanding of social science claims and theories by learning to identify and give examples of different types of evidence. Start your journey towards becoming an active reader today.
What is active reading? It is reading with the aim of understanding and grasping something. While studying this free course, Reading evidence, you will be focusing on the variety of methods for presenting and organising qualitative and quantitative evidence in the form of numbers and text. You will learn how to understand the ways in which evidence is presented and to read it actively and with purpose.
Course learning outcomes
After studying this course, you should be able to:
Identify that social scientists can collect evidence to support their claims and theories in different ways
Give examples of quantitative and qualitative evidence
Recognise a variety of methods for obtaining evidence
Understand the ways in which evidence can be presented
How to read it actively and with purpose.
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