Router Table Joinery
It’s hard to beat the across-the-board versatility of joinery that can be done on a router table. With this class, your arsenal of woodworking joints will grow.
Class Preview
It’s hard to beat the across-the-board versatility of joinery that can be done on a router table. With this class, your arsenal of woodworking joints will grow.
In this opening session, you’ll hear about the variety of joints that you’ll learn about in the class, and how your router table can be a great jointer.
Even if you already own a jointer, it’s worth learning how to joint on the router table. You’ll benefit from the router’s high rpm, spiral cutters, and carbide tipped tooling. Carbide tooling is especially important if you’re jointing man-made materials, and spiral cutters are a big help on curly material that’s prone to chipping.
Tongue And Groove
One of the more common applications of a tongue and groove joint is breadboard ends on furniture. This is a great way to cover end grain, and keep large panels flat. Whether your preference is to use a dedicated tongue and groove cutter for this operation, or standard straight bits, we’ve got you covered.
Cope And Stile
If you want to make frame and panel doors, the router table is the way to go. Whether you want to use a reversible bit or matched set of cutters, we’ve got you covered. Our shop-made sled provides a great way to make the end grain cuts safer, and prevent chipping on the exit side of the cut.
Mortise And Tenon
A staple of furniture work, you need to know how to create this joint if you want to build tables or chairs. The key to the strength of this joint is a good fit between the mortise and tenon. In addition to teaching you how to achieve that fit, we’ll provide you with the proportions between the tenon and rail that give this joint the proper structure.
Drawer Lock
Looking for a rock solid, and fast, means of putting drawers together? Drawer locks are the answer. Whether you make the joint with a slot cutter or drawer lock bit, once it’s set up you can produce incredibly strong joints and a room full of drawers in no time. The slot cutter method even allows you to cut the groove for the drawer bottom as part of the joinery process.
Lock Miters
Lock miters have a reputation of being fussy, and very difficult to set up. Our secret is working in one plane, not two, while setting up the bit. Once you’re set in one plane, which is simple to do, you’ll see how easy it is to get set up in the second, vertical, plane. You’ll come to love using a lock miter.
Class Summary
George wraps up this Class with a reminder to practice the joinery skills you learned on the router table – and you’ll be on your way to using these techniques for many years.
Bonus: Router Table Versatility
George shares how his experience, and mistakes, can help you gain new skills on your router table.
Meet Your Instructor
Learn more about your instructor, George Vondriska.
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