Science Communication and Public Engagement Course








Last updated on September 7, 2024 11:40 pm

Learn how to engage the public with your scientific findings in social media and events with a variety of ways to share your research in this free online course.

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Who is the course for?

The course is designed for scientists and researchers who wish to communicate the results and theory of their field(s) of study to the public.

This includes graduate and postgraduate students, academic staff of all career levels, and scientists not working in academia.

What will you achieve?

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to…

Describe the relationship between science and society

Design small-scale public science communication events

Assess the role of traditional and social media in the communication of science

Explore the relationship between journalism and science

Discuss the roles of a scientific culture unit and the relationship between research institutions and stakeholders

Develop how to improve your science communication activities by clearly identifying the target audiences, messages, and stories


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    Science Communication and Public Engagement Course
    Science Communication and Public Engagement Course
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