SQL Fundamentals








Learn how to create and communicate with a PostgreSQL database in this comprehensive course. Master SQL fundamentals and gain the skills to tackle advanced topics like data modeling and exploring different database types. Start your web development career on the right track.

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Most applications rely on databases to store data. Understanding how to create a database and communicate with it unlocks a critical power in your web development career.

In this course, Tyler presents all the building blocks of creating and interacting with a PostgreSQL database. From creating a brand new table, up through organizing and aggregating data across multiple tables, you will learn the fundamental skills of SQL — and you’ll be prepared to apply them right away.

After completing this course, you’ll be ready to tackle more challenging SQL topics like proper data modeling, normalizing data, and exploring different database types.

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Course Content

Setup and Introduction to SQL Fundamentals

Create a Table with SQL Create

Add Data to a Table with SQL Insert

Query Data with the Select Command in SQL

Update Data in a Table with SQL Update

Removing Data with SQL Delete, Truncate, and Drop

Keep Data Integrity with Constraints

Organize Table Data with Indexes

Select Grouped and Aggregated Data with SQL

Conditionally Select out Filtered Data with SQL Where

Combining Tables Together with SQL Join Statements

Subquery Dynamic Datasets in SQL


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