Starting Python Programming








Last updated on December 3, 2024 7:30 am

Develop a basic understanding of the programming language Python and set a solid foundation for building your own code with this online course on

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This course explores one of the most popular programming languages called python and provides you with the basics on how to create your own code. We will provide you with all the features and benefits of python that can help you get the most out of the language. With the rise of computer coding, python developers are not only in high demand but also provide great job opportunities. So enrol now to learn to become a python coding expert today!

What You Will Learn In This Free Course

  • Discuss the salient features and asp…
  • Identify some of the key benefits th…
  • Describe the use of in pytho…
  • Explain the use of variables in pyth…
  • Discuss the salient features and aspects of the coding language called python
  • Identify some of the key benefits that python provides over other programming languages
  • Describe the use of in python and examine its interface
  • Explain the use of variables in python along with examples
  • Discuss the use of Operators in python along with their types
  • Describe what collections are in python along with their various types
  • Discuss the different type of control flows in Python and their execution
  • Explain how to use functions and their different types in python
  • Define what objects are and understand their different types
  • Introduction to Python

    In this module, we will go through some of the introductory and basic concepts relevant to coding in python. We will explore the language and general coding concepts from a beginner’s standpoint. We will examine the system in python along with its interface. We will also be discussing variables for storing data and performing operations.

    Components of Python

    This module will be looking at some of the key components of python and understanding their application. We will be going through collections and control flow in python along with their different type. We will also be examining the use of functions and objects with examples.

    Course assessment


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      Starting Python Programming
      Starting Python Programming
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