Structured Query Language (SQL) using SAS


Last updated on January 13, 2025 8:11 pm

Learn SQL and how to use it in SAS programs to query and analyze data. Gain skills in data manipulation, table creation, and joining. Access DBMS data with SAS/ACCESS technology. Master subqueries for dynamic data subset and calculations. Start your SQL journey now!

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Course Description

In this course, you learn about Structured Query Language (SQL) and how it can be used in SAS programs to create reports and query your data.
“By the end of this course, a learner will be able to…”
● Query and subset data.
● Summarize and present data.
● Combine tables using joins and set operators.
● Create and modify tables and views.
● Create data-driven macro variables using a query.
● Access DBMS data with SAS/ACCESS technology.

What you will learn

Course Overview and Data Setup

In this module you get an overview of what you learn in this course and you set up the software and data you use for activities and practices in the course.


In this module, you learn about the Structured Query Language (SQL) and begin exploring data using the SQL procedure in SAS.

PROC SQL Fundamentals

In this module, you learn the fundamentals of SQL by using the SELECT, FROM, WHERE, GROUP BY, HAVING, and ORDER BY clauses. You generate simple queries, group and summarize data, create and manage tables, and retrieve information about your SAS session using DICTIONARY tables.

SQL Joins

In this module, you learn about joining data horizontally from multiple tables using the Cartesian product. You learn how to perform INNER, OUTER and complex joins.


In this module, you learn about using subqueries, or a query within a query. You begin by using a subquery in the WHERE or HAVING clause to dynamically subset your data, then you use a query in the FROM clause (In-Line view) to act as a virtual table. Finally, you use a subquery in the SELECT clause to perform dynamic calculations.


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    Structured Query Language (SQL) using SAS
    Structured Query Language (SQL) using SAS
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