Technology evaluation









Learn the essential knowledge and skills for technology evaluation and assessment. Understand the contextual and theoretical factors that shape the evaluation process. Gain insights into different types of evaluation and their applications. Analyze methodological concerns and apply principles to real-life examples. Enroll in our free course now!

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The aim of this free course, Technology evaluation, is to provide you with the knowledge you need to develop and work with forms of evaluation that take full account of the contextual, conceptual and theoretical factors that underpin, inform and shape the evaluation and assessment of technology and technology-intensive projects and programmes.

Course learning outcomes

After studying this course, you should be able to:

Explain your view of the role of technology evaluation and assessment

Distinguish between the different types of evaluation, and state how, why and where they are applicable

Discuss the importance of technology evaluation and assessment in different contexts and at different stage in the development, implementation and use of technology or technology-based projects, programmes and policies

Analyse the theoretical, conceptual and methodological issues and concerns that come into play during the design, application and outcome of the evaluation and assessment of technologies, and technology-based projects, programmes and policies

Apply the principles, procedures and practices discussed in this block to real-life examples of technology assessment and evaluation in a range of contexts.


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