Liquidity management
Learn about liquidity management and its crucial role in risk management. Understand methods to measure exposure to liquidity and how organizations manage this risk. Discover effective asset and liability structuring techniques to manage liquidity risk. Explore strategies employed by banks and financial institutions for liquidity management. Enroll in this free course now!
In this free course you will focus on liquidity management, one of the fundamental aspects relating to risk management that has come under intense scrutiny in the past few years.
Course learning outcomes
After studying this course, you should be able to:
Understand the nature of liquidity risk
Understand methods that can be used to measure exposure to liquidity
Review how organisations manage their exposure to liquidity risk
Appreciate how liquidity risk can be managed through the effective structuring of assets (particularly liquid assets) and liabilities (particularly debt liabilities)
Understand methods employed by banks and other financial institutions to manage their liquidity.
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